Saturday, November 18, 2006

Kingdom Giving = Kingdom Living

2 of.... many??

As I continue to study the topic of Kingdom Giving, I am taken back time and time again to the opposite if giving.... getting! How can I expect to give to those in need when I am constantly concerned with getting for myself?

I have attempted to understand the relationship between Matthew 6:1-4 and Matthew 6:19-34. Christ tells his listeners to not be worried about today or tomorrow - not to be worried with food or clothes - not to be worried about money. I was thinking Christ had giving in mind and that the reason they were not to worry was because others would meet their needs through Kingdom giving. Well, upon further study it seems I was right about Christ having giving in mind, but not in the way I was thinking. Piper helped give me some direction out of Luke 12:13-34. The story is of the man who stores up for himself barns of plenty. His attitude is one of self and gaining what he can to live comfortably (clearly he was an American). Christ tells his disciples that they are to not follow this model, but live for the Kingdom. He tells them not be worried about today or tomorrow - not to be worried with food or clothes - not to be worried about money, but seek the Kingdom. What is the aspect of the Kingdom that is so opposite of gaining, gaining, and gaining for one's self? "But seek for His kingdom, and these things shall be added to you. "Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father has chosen gladly to give you the kingdom. "Sell your possessions and give to charity; make yourselves purses which do not wear out, an unfailing treasure in heaven, where no thief comes near, nor moth destroys. "For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also." To sum up the message...Give, give, and give to others. What are they not to be afraid of? Loosing everything through giving. The fear is that they might give too much and not have food, clothes, money, or security.

Do I give enough to the Kingdom that I fear not having enough for myself when I am done. Do you give that much? Christ is making the connection to giving in Matthew 6:19-34. You are not to fear because you have given so much. Christ takes care of the birds, that grass and creation...He will take care of you! Final thought: The American dream is to get - The Kingdom life is to give!

Read this message from Piper: - Loved Flock, Do not be affraid to give it away.


Nate Mihelis said...

Keep it coming and thanks for the link!

Tim Barker said...

catchy statements to make it memorable. I like the contextualizing to the American dream -what an idol it is.

Kim said...

I know this comment has nothing to do with your post but I couldn't help myself when I somehow came across your blog. I ran into your dad at the hospital a little while back and he gave me a little update on the happenings in your family. It sounds like you are doing well. I am happy for you. Isn't it amazing how fast the time goes the older we get?
~Kim Lange

Josh said...


Thanks for the visit. It is a little scary how fast times goes. I am currently 57 years old and am feeling the old age. Tell Jeff I said hello and the rest of the fam!

Paul said...

So true, yet so hard to get our selfish and earthly mindedness to really connect to real life. The way Christ calls His disciples to live is truly shocking to our Americanized way of thinking. But to the redeemed our mindset must be that of Paul's logic in Col. 3:2,3: "Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on the earth. For you have died and your life is hidden with Christ in God." We must get our minds so filled with the truth of verse 3 and let it move us by God's grace to a kingdom-driven affections! Thanks for the reminder Josh!

Josh said...

Good Thoughts Paul. Thanks!